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Peekaboo Child Contact Service


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New address and phone number!

Please note we have changed our phone number. Our new number is 0401 093 216


We have moved to a new location at 2/230 Brisbane St, West Ipswich QLD 4305 (Behind Inspirations Paint - Entrance down the side on the right after the big green door).

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Peekaboo Child contact Service is a supervised children's contact centre in West Ipswich that provides supervised contact and supervised changeovers in a safe and child-focused environment.

Peekaboo Child contact Service is open 7 days a week and is available for supervised visits 8am - 7:30pm. We are also open public holidays (Easter day and Christmas day by appointment only).

After hours, overnight and off premises supervision is also available by appointment.


What is a supervised contact centre used for?

Supervised contact is when the time a non-residential parent spends with their child takes place in the presence of an independent person.

The supervision can take place at changeover, or for the entire visit.

Supervised contact is child focused. The main benefit of Supervised Contact is in providing the child with a safe and secure space for them to spend time with a non-residential parent.

The supervision means that the non-residential parent and child are free to spend time together, and allows for regular contact, in a friendly environment where the child can seek assistance if they become upset or fearful, and where the supervisor can intervene at any time should the need arise.

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Kids Painting

About Peekaboo Child contact Service

Peekaboo Child contact Service provides a safe, neutral and strictly child-focused environment for supervised visits and changeovers to occur between children, their parents and other significant persons in the child’s life. 

All of our supervisors receive ongoing training in areas of child safety.


8:00 am – 7:30 pm 7 days

Easter day and Christmas day by appointment only

After hours, overnight and off premises supervision is also available by appointment 

Home: About Us

Peekaboo Child contact Service Team

Home: Our Team


Child Contact Supervisor - Manager

Narelle is a qualified Naturopath and pony club instructor and is currently studying a Bachelor of Education (Primary). 

Narelle has a lot of experience caring for children having 3 children of her own. She was also owner and manager of a family day-care centre for several years.

Narelle holds the following:

  • Working with children blue card 

  • First aid and CPR training 

  • AVERT Family Violence basic certificate 

  • AVERT Screening and Safety Planning certificate

  • SMART training certificate (Managing abuse related trauma in children)

  • Positive Parenting Program certificate

  • Several certificates from Emerging Minds including:

    • Child Mental Health certificate

    • Trauma and the Child certificate

    • Child Aware Practice certificate

    • Supporting Infants and Toddlers of Parents with a Mental Illness certificate

    • Child Aware Supervision certificate

    • Keeping Families and Children in Mind certificate

    • Let's Talk About Children certificate



Child Contact Supervisor - Finance manager

Brendan has a lot of experience caring for children having 4 children of his own. He also ownes and manages several businesses of his own.

Brendan holds the following:

  • Working with children blue card 

  • First aid and CPR training 

  • AVERT Family Violence basic certificate 

  • AVERT Screening and Safety Planning certificate

  • SMART training certificate (Managing abuse related trauma in children)

  • Positive Parenting Program certificate

  • Several certificates from Emerging Minds including:

    • Child Mental Health certificate

    • Trauma and the Child certificate

    • Child Aware Practice certificate

    • Supporting Infants and Toddlers of Parents with a Mental Illness certificate

    • Child Aware Supervision certificate

    • Keeping Families and Children in Mind certificate

    • Let's Talk About Children certificate



Child Contact Supervisor - Admin & Client manager

Coco is a qualified Early Childhood Educator and Teacher Aide, and also has a great interest in photography as a hobby. Coco has finished her Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care.

Coco has over 5 years experience in the Early Childhood industry and has operated a home based Family Day Care. She has worked closely with children with ADHD, ASD and PTSD which has given her the experience and knowledge to help children and parents through the supervision process.

Coco holds the following:

  • Working with children Blue Card

  • CPR and First aid (HLTAID004)

  • Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care

  • Certificate III in Education Support Certificate II in Business

  • Advanced Child Protection Training "Legal and Practical Response to Child Abuse

  • AVERT Family Violence basic certificate 

  • AVERT Screening and Safety Planning certificate

  • SMART training certificate (Managing abuse related trauma in children)

  • Positive Parenting Program certificate

  • Several certificates from Emerging Minds including:

  • Child Mental Health certificate

  • Trauma and the Child certificate

  • Child Aware Practice certificate

  • Supporting Infants and Toddlers of Parents with a Mental Illness certificate

  • Child Aware Supervision certificate

  • Keeping Families and Children in Mind certificate

  • Let's Talk About Children certificate


Our Services

Supervised Contact

Supervised contact is when the time a non-residential parent spends with their child takes place in the presence of an independent person.

Peekaboo Child contact Service provides a safe and positive environment for children and their parents to spend time together at our centre.  

Our centres facilities include:​ 

  • Large indoor play areas

  • CCTV

  • Basketball court


Off-Site Supervised Contact

Peekaboo Child contact Service can also provide off-site supervision. 

Off-site supervision can occur anywhere both parents agree on outside of our centre including parks, shopping centres and at home.

Kids Playing

Supervised Changeovers

Peekaboo Child contact Service can facilitate supervised changeovers of children in order to ensure a safe experience for all parties involved.

Father and Son

Children’s Changeover Transportation

Peekaboo Child contact Service can also offer transport of children to be picked up and taken to a visit and also dropped off back home after a visit whether that be at our centre, a public location or each parents home.

Image by Gregory Atkats

Please get in touch with any questions. We’re always happy to help.

Home: Programs


Supervised Contact - $100 per hour *

Supervised Contact Easter and Christmas day - $160 per hour *

Off-site Supervised Contact - $130 per hour (Plus travel expenses-to be determined upon booking) *

Changeovers - $50 per exchange

Children’s Changeover Transportation - Varies depending on distance. Please contact us for pricing.

Intake interview - $100 (an additional fee of $80/30min applies if intake takes greater than one hour)

Late cancellation fee - $85

Admin fee - $85

$11/H surcharge will apply on Public Holidays

* Please note that hourly prices are subject to change should Peekaboo Supervision determine more than one supervisor is needed for your case.


*Pricing updated 25/02/2024*

Home: Our Mission
Kids Blowing Bubbles

Contact Us

2/230 Brisbane St, West Ipswich QLD 4305

0401 093 216

  • Facebook
Home: Contact


The Answers You Need

What is supervised contact?

Supervised contact is when the time a non-residential parent spends with their child takes place in the presence of an independent person.
The supervision can take place at changeover, or for the entire visit.

Why would I need my contact to be supervised?

In some circumstances, non-residential parents may have an extended period of time away from their child following separation for work, or due to a particularly acrimonious separation. In these circumstances, and depending on other factors such as the age of the child, and the nature of the relationship between the non-residential parent and the child, it may be beneficial for the child to have a gradual re-introduction to the non-residential parent and to slowly build up the relationship.


In other cases, the residential parent may have concerns about the non-residential parent’s relationship with the child, and may be somewhat fearful of the non-residential parent spending time alone with the child. In these circumstances, agreeing to a certain amount of supervised contact to begin with can assist in building the residential parent’s trust in the non-residential parent.


Alternatively, if the residential parent and the non-residential parent have a very high level of conflict, supervised contact can provide a changeover service where the parents do not have to see or speak to each other, thus providing a conflict free environment for the child.


In some cases, there may historically have been issues of family violence, and supervised contact may be necessary to ensure the safety of the child, and also the safety of the residential parent, as post separation parent / child contact can provide a significant risk for post-separation violence to occur.


Finally, if there are concerns about significant levels of drug use and alcohol abuse by the non-residential parent, supervised contact allows for the non-residential parent to be assessed prior to the contact to ensure that they are able to care for the child.

How can Supervised Contact benefit my child?

Supervised contact is child focused.


The main benefit of Supervised Contact is in providing the child with a safe and secure space for them to spend time with a non-residential parent.


The supervision means that the non-residential parent and child are free to spend time together, and allows for regular contact, in a friendly environment where the child can seek assistance if they become upset or fearful, and where the supervisor can intervene at any time should the need arise.

How do I arrange for supervised contact?

Where both parents agree, they can seek supervised contact with a family friend or relative or can approach a service provider, such as Peekaboo Supervision.

In other cases, one parent may seek to have the contact supervised, and if the other parent disagrees, it is open for the Family Court to make an order that the contact is supervised, either for a set period of time or on an ongoing basis.

Could it help my Family Court application?

Agreeing to at least some initial supervised contact is very unlikely to make the non-residential parent appear in a negative light.

Arguably, it could be perceived as the non-residential parent doing all that they can to enable them to spend time with their child and to make every effort to ensure that their child feels safe and comfortable with the contact at all times.

Further, as either of the parties or the Family Court, are able to request reports of the contact (Via a subpoena), the reports will be able to be provided to the Court to confirm that the time the non-residential parent spends with the child is progressing well.


In circumstances where there has been a significant period that the non-residential parent has not spent time with the child, or where a parent or child needs to build up the trust for an ongoing relationship, these reports can be useful in progressing to non-supervised contact.

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